Github api pull žiadosť o schválenie


Feb 11, 2016 · API Management Publish APIs to developers, partners, and employees securely and at scale Content Delivery Network Ensure secure, reliable content delivery with broad global reach Azure Cognitive Search AI-powered cloud search service for mobile and web app development

{"login":"petrgazarov","id":5581195,"node_id":"MDQ6VXNlcjU1ODExOTU=","avatar_url":"","gravatar_id":"","url":"https Čo je sieť Kyber? Kyber Network je Protokol založený na éteri ktorá umožňuje „okamžitú výmenu a konverziu digitálnych aktív (napr. kryptomien) a kryptomien (napr. éter, bitcoin, ZCash) s vysokou likviditou.“ OData Web API: A server library built upon ODataLib and WebApi - OData/WebApi The open-source repo for Contribute to github/docs development by creating an account on GitHub. The URL to retrieve the diff for this pull request via the API. head¶ A Head object representing the head pull request destination. html_url¶ The URL one would use to view this pull request in the browser.

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2. 1. · so zreteľom na žiadosť o stanovisko v súlade s článkom 28 ods. 2 nariadenia (ES) č.

so zreteľom na žiadosť o stanovisko v súlade s článkom 28 ods. 2 nariadenia (ES) č. 45/2001, ktorá bola 26. mája 2005 prijatá od Komisie, PRIJAL TOTO STANOVISKO: 1. Úvod 1. Európsky dozorný úradník pre ochranu údajov (EDPS) víta, že bol požiadaný o konzultáciu na základe článku 28 ods. 2 nariadenia (ES) č. 45/2001.

EDIT: To add support for this to an existing clone: (Open the clone in question in SourceTree) Repository\Repository Settings; Edit the properties or the remote where you want to create pull requests API samples for the Universal Windows Platform. Contribute to microsoft/Windows-universal-samples development by creating an account on GitHub. See full list on Feb 27, 2019 · Exercise 1: Working with pull requests.

Github api pull žiadosť o schválenie

Run Actions on Pull Requests. When creating a new workflow in GitHub’s action builder the default trigger is the push event. You want to extend this to push and pull request events. Search the line on: [push] in your GitHub Action workflow file. Extend it to on: [push, pull_request] and you’re done.

If set, pull request merge failed for this reason. mergeFailureType Pull Request Merge Failure Type; The type of failure (if any) of the pull request merge. mergeId string The ID of the job used to run the pull request merge. Used internally. mergeOptions Git Pull Request Merge Options; Options used when the pull request merge runs. Run Actions on Pull Requests. When creating a new workflow in GitHub’s action builder the default trigger is the push event.

Create pull requests from any branch from the Pull Request page on the web. Select New pull request in the upper right. If you need other data from Github, such as issues, then you can identify pull-requests from issues, and you can then retrieve each pull-request no matter if it is closed or open. It will also give you a couple of more attributes (mergeable, merged, merge-commit-sha, nr of commits etc) If an issue is a pull-request, then it will contain that May 14, 2020 · Run Actions on Pull Requests. When creating a new workflow in GitHub’s action builder the default trigger is the push event. You want to extend this to push and pull request events.

Github api pull žiadosť o schválenie

2017. 5. 5. · Správa o výsledku zahraničnej pracovnej cesty 1.1 Schválenie programu – Program bol schválený konsenzom, nikto nemal výhrady.

5. 5. · Správa o výsledku zahraničnej pracovnej cesty 1.1 Schválenie programu – Program bol schválený konsenzom, nikto nemal výhrady. Firma Capgemini bude na žiadosť EK robiť štúdiu, ktorá bude slúžiť ako jeden z podkladov pre vypracovanie vykonávacích aktov. 2019. 7. 22.

If set, pull request merge failed for this reason. mergeFailureType Pull Request Merge Failure Type; The type of failure (if any) of the pull request merge. mergeId string The ID of the job used to run the pull request merge. Used internally. mergeOptions Git Pull Request Merge Options; Options used when the pull request merge runs. In the Development area of the work item, select Create a pull request.

write a custom  9 Apr 2020 With review apps enabled for a Heroku app, Heroku will create temporary test apps for each pull request that's opened on the GitHub repo

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Konečné schválenie PM: Žiadosť o konečné schválenie Microsoftom pre obsah tretej strany. PM signoff: Request that Microsoft sign off on third-party content. Prepojením naň vyjadrujeme našu dôveru v neho a našu povinnosť, ak ľudia budú postupovať podľa pokynov.

Pre tento ú cel sme využili git (GitHub). Ciel’om úlohy bolo spojit’ Oximeter cez API s mobilným zariadením a zobrazo-vat’ užívatel’ovi informácie o jeho zdravotnom stave na obrazovke mobilného zariadenia.